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A standard teeth cleaning, medically termed as prophylaxis (or a prophy), is a routine dental procedure practiced in a dental clinic. Special tools are used to remove plaque, calculus, and stains from the teeth. The process of teeth cleaning takes place above the gumline. A professional dental cleaning is appropriate for primary, transitional and adult dentition. A dental appointment will likely include a dental checkup by the dentist along with some X-rays. A dental cleaning has the aim of removing plaque and tartar from the teeth. The bacteria buildup not only happens through food debris. Most people manage to remove it through daily vigorous brushing. Vigorous brushing won’t help to remove plaque and tartar easily. Hence, it has to be removed at the dental office. Teeth cleaning is a minor and very common procedure that should be performed twice a year. If teeth cleaning is not performed, it may result in gum infection or diseases.