Business Description
Digital signature Certificate provider Company
Class 2 Digital Signature
Class 3 Digital signature
DGFT Digital signature
You can obtain a digital signature from a reputable certificate authority such as Comodo, or you can create it yourself. You need a digital certificate to digitally sign a document. However, if you create and use a self-signed certificate the recipients of your documents will not be able to verify the authenticity of your digital signature. They will have to manually trust your self-signed certificate.
If you want the recipients of your documents to be able to verify the authenticity of your digital signature then you must obtain a digital certificate from a reputable CA. After downloading and installing the certificate - you will be able to use the 'Sign' and 'Encrypt' buttons on your mail client to encrypt and digitally sign your emails. This makes more sense in a business scenario, as it assures the recipient that it was genuinely sent by you and not by some impersonator.