Business Description
pregnant and confused?stress no more CALL 0718442285
unplanned pregnancies can be such a stresful experience
even when you have the right to enjoy motherhood
9months against your will and then imagine a lifetime
for a child that you didnt want to have or even plan to have.
as a starting point ths child is bound to lack the basic love and basics in life
and you are bound to loose your freedom this is not what motherhood entails
reasons for abortion differ from person to person so we dont judge
you have your reasons and they are valid
at hope's clinic we are determined to give your freedom ,happiness and joy back
by providing safe sametime painfree and risk free abortion from
as early as two weeks to 28 weeks using safe and approved abortion pills.
we offer top class abortion services to those who need it.
our services are done under maximum confidentiality and attention to detail
since your health is our concern.
no surgeries ,no pumps simply pills.
this pill can also be used in the comfort of your own home .the results are guranted,
CALL/WHATSAPP 0718442285