Business Description
Kosher certification is essential for food as well as for drink which follows Jewish dietary law. Kosher – Hebrew language word means fit or proper. To describe in terms of food products ‘Kosher’ means food or drink that comes under Jewish religious dietary law.
The word Kosher in the Hebrew language describes the food or drink which is pure and suitable for human consumption. There are various categories in Kosher Foods such as Pareve (foods such as fruits and vegetables, hot drinks like coffee or tea and cold drink like juice). Pareve foods should be handled by separate equipment. This equipment can never be used to process meat or dairy products, Meat and Poultry (Common animals such as cow, goat, and sheep are kosher and chicken, turkey, goose, and duck are fallen under kosher birds). Fishes that have easily removable scales and fins called Kosher fish and Dairy products (Foods that contain milk products) must be derived from kosher animals. And should be processed in kosher certified utensils and equipment.