Business Description
iCast Foundry ERP Management Software Solutions | iCast ERP Software
Our software solutions for foundry industries- 'iCast Lyt', 'iCast Inv', 'iCast Pro' & 'iCast Ent' are developed under the consultation of leading foundrymen, foundry professionals and management consultants.
It has successfully implemented and working in various foundries. In a very short time span iCast has been very popular and favorite Foundry Software for production and management among the foundries.
Smart analysis reports and BI reports generated by iCast has been proven enormous help to foundry owners and managers in overcoming challenges like data capturing and analysis of the data and taking business decisions.
This software provides solution to almost all the basic day to day needs and requirements that arises in a foundry. It covers all the major functionality of the foundry industry.