Business Description
Mission to carve diamonds out of stone fuels his fire. With his uncanny ability to connect with children, he has been able to transform the lives of several children, a 15-year-old child treated for depression in less than 4 months, an 11 years old girl from extremely submissive to assertive and confident in a couple of months and a 4 years old from sibling hater to sibling protector in just 3 months. These are just a couple of the success stories that are to the credit of Amit Batra, a retired army officer turned entrepreneur famously known as AB among Parents, Children, and Teachers. He is a kids life coach, parent’s mentor, and expert in unraveling the mysteries of the subconscious mind through the science of handwriting analysis. Enroll in our Happy Parenting Coach Masterclass and Discover valuable insights—Sign Up Now!