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Arth Children Hospital & Child Dental Care

8 months ago

ID: #958788

Listed In : Children Doctors

Business Description

"ARTH Children Hospital and Child Dental Care is a hospital that provides both pediatricians and pediatric dentists at the same hospital Dr. Rishi Patel (MD Pediatrics) Consulting pediatrician and neonatologist With expertise in pediatric intensive care and neonatology, Dr Rishi Patel is dedicated to fostering the health and well-being of children. The best way to help kids grow up healthy is by preventing health problems before they start. Dr. Khyati Patel (MDS pedodontist) Consulting pediatric and preventive dentist Hello! Dr. Khyati Patel has expertise in treating dental health issues in children as they require special care and behavior management during dental procedures. People often overlook the importance of oral health"

Business Hours

Monday : 10:00 - 08:00

Tuesday : 10:00 - 08:00

Wednesday : 10:00 - 08:00

Thursday : 10:00 - 08:00

Friday : 10:00 - 08:00

Saturday : 10:00 - 08:00

Sunday : 10:00 - 08:00

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