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....+27-82-797-5892.....Simple Guidance For You In Abortion Pills For Sale in soweto
Instructions for Using Vaginal Misoprostol in Medical Abortion
Some women bleed after taking mifepristone. However, in almost all cases you must use the second medication, called
misoprostol, to complete the abortion. You should use the misoprostol even if you have had bleeding after taking mifepristone
in our office. You will insert 4 misoprostol pills into your vagina. You should use the misoprostol any time between
_________________________ and _________________________ .
(time and date) (time and date)
Most women will experience cramping and bleeding within a few hours of inserting misoprostol. The cramping and bleeding
are usually heavier than what you might have during your period. Cramping may start before the bleeding. Some women expel
blood clots that range in size from small (the size of a quarter) to quite large (the size of a lemon). The bleeding usually
decreases after the pregnancy is expelled. About 90% of women expel the pregnancy within 24 hours of taking vaginal
misoprostol. Other side effects that may occur after using misoprostol include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, warmth or chills,
headache, and tiredness. These side effects usually last for a fairly short time and go away on their own. Because of these side
effects, it may be a good idea to insert the misoprostol when you have several hours with no other responsibilities. You will also
want to have plenty of large maxipads, as well as medication for pain, and other comfort measures, such as a heating pad, hot
water bottle, and warm liquids, ready before you insert the misoprostol. Be sure to drink plenty of non-alcoholic, caffeine-free
beverages (e.g. water, juice, sports drinks) to avoid dehydration.
Some women find that it helps to have a partner or friend with them when they use the misoprostol. Some women may prefer
to have privacy, but have someone they know they can reach if they need help. While it is rare to have an emergency, it is
important that you make plans ahead of time about how to call us and how you would get to our office or another medical
facility if you needed to.
How to Insert the Misoprostol:
1. Empty your bladder.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Push the four misoprostol tablets one at a time up into the vagina as far as you can using your finger.
4. Your health care provider may recommend that you lie down for about 30 minutes after you insert the misoprostol.
Sometimes the tablets come out when your bleeding starts or if you are up and about. If the tablets fall out while you are
bleeding, do not worry. In most cases, enough of the medication will have been absorbed. If the tablets fall out before your
bleeding starts, you may reinsert them or call us for instructions on what to do.
Some women wonder if they will see pregnancy tissue as they bleed. You may see a sac that is white or grayish and looks
somewhat like a grape. You may see only blood clots. An embryo is approximately the size of a grain of rice at the time
when medical abortion is most commonly provided, and is typically not seen. When it is seen, it is generally limited
to women who are close to 63 days gestation.